
Sarah Kennedy

FOUNDER | Brand Coach

I come from a long line of small business owners, inventors, and idea people. This is something I’m incredibly proud of, but it’s also what has fueled my drive to create a business that makes excellent branding strategy and design accessible to small businesses with less resources. See, their businesses and ideas were great, but their branding and marketing was not. They didn’t understand how compelling their own stories were, or how to share them with the world. Of course they always did the best they could with what they knew, but having it done “the right way” was never within reach.

Since I was 17 and helping my Mom rebrand her gourmet gift shop, I’ve dreamt of creating a place where small businesses could actually afford–and learn how to implement–the branding and marketing tools and resources they need to have a fighting shot at success. I spent the next 20 years learning everything I could about branding businesses big and small. Much of that time was spent building and managing brands for larger companies. But my heart led me back to the world of small businesses, experience in tow, ready to use what I know to help owners tap into their stories and share their passion with the communities they’re made for.

Because I believe deep in my core that small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities–each with your own story to tell. Your passion and efforts deserve to be shared and celebrated by those who need and appreciate them. And I cannot wait to help you do just that.